I like my own personal space over here so I certainly won't be abandoning this, and I know that I won't have it in me to customize new mind-blowing content for separate blogs. So here's where I ask my audience: Would it be worth it if all my Medium posts just end up being highlights from this blog?
The only purpose for Medium is larger audience engagement and conversation. So a post like this one I'm making now wouldn't make it up there - I'd like to keep my everyday thoughts here on my personal page. But I think that some of my bigger observations might be worthwhile. It's just the task of balancing yet another social media platform. I know many writers who use blogging as a step towards paid article writing, and Medium attracts the audience to achieve that. But I don't view what I put here as "article writing". Just the haphazard thoughts of a another wanderer of the world.
Basically my question is "To Medium or Not to Medium?"