Galen (2011)Despite being one of the world's most reputable film directors, Michael Wolfgang has begun to question the meaning behind his work. In an attempt to end his streak of sell-out productions, Wolfgang takes on a high-risk script, going against the advice of his friends and colleagues. The script comes to life, telling the story of an orphaned boy from Ancient Greece, played by a former child star who has issues of his own to resolve. What begins as an artistic challenge quickly consumes the lives of those involved in the film. Wolfgang is determined to stay true to his vision, but at what cost to his cast, crew, or even his own sanity?
Freakhouse (2013)Welcome to the Dr. Julius Ellis Latham Institution, the country's leading research centre and manufactory facility, or as those of Latham County like to call it, the solution to the ever-rising economic crisis. Live well at ease knowing that these top-of-the-line professionals are working hard to keep you employed in dignified careers, housed in up-to-code family-friendly neighbourhoods, and your children freely educated in citizenship-building curriculums. Why would you ever want to live anywhere else?
Unless you're Dotan Abbott, better known as inmate 001014126. He was just a child when the Institution took his father away, and barely fifteen years-old when they came for him. The county maintains its perfection by keeping the Institution filled with society's unwanted. Dotan knew his fate would bring him here, and for five years he learned to become a part of the routine. Now, the morning of his twentieth birthday, his life is no longer in his hands. Whatever the Institution needs him for, he is at the mercy of nameless White Coats. He has no idea what's in store for him, but an encounter from his past is certainly the last thing inmate 001014126 could ever have expected. |