And no, I'm not giving away answers. This was in response to the practice test. Sorry. But in all fairness, I wrote this in under an hour, including the planning sheet and paragraph responses to both critical and personal, so just imagine how epic your two hour response could be...
...when did my blog include chatting with students who don't read it anyways? When we hit exam season.
So back to the dry spell we go! Although in all seriousness, I did make an on-air resolution to post at least once a month. I can't promise that the content of these future posts will be very worthwhile. I expect a number of "See? I'm keeping my resolution!" posts to follow. Although I do have a great collection of new games I really should review. BTW: Legendary, the Marvel deck building game, may have taken up a huge portion of my winter break... we just couldn't quit with Loki on the loose...
...oh the nerdiness of my household...