On the plus side, I think I know what my NaNo will be for this year. I've been toying with some ideas but I'm going to take one off of my shelf of ideas, wipe the dust off of it, and see if it has any of the potential I thought it did several years ago when it first came to me. I'm pretty much going for it because I know all of my key milestones so that's a plus. Freakhouse was the first project I started without having a solid ending in mind, and while it was an interesting experience exploring Dotan's world (and having him give me the silent treatment in all of his frustration), I'm still hesitant to NaNo by the seat of my pants. On the other hand, the thing that I swore I would never do again - write in first person - might be on the table again for this year. That is, if I still feel like this is the novel to write by the time I hit the midnight countdown. And who knows, I might try to do another CampNaNoWriMo this year (and cross my fingers that it goes over better than the last one).
...and for something completely different: I just realized that as we reach the end of 2013, Curious Endeavourances will be officially one year old in the new year! We'll have read 12 full novels (at least, because I think we're going to be NaNo focused this November, yet we had a month with 2 novels so really it all evens out), and will hopefully keep going for a second season for another 12! Our little membership on GoodReads has grown, and the feedback we've received (for the majority of our posts) has been very positive and empowering. If we don't do it as a video special at the end of the year, I will personally write a "Best Of Curious Endeavourances" post or even do my own video because I believe that we've had some really great moments and some really great viewer interaction.
And don't forget that we actually have another live hangout scheduled for tonight. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. I posted my reviews all over the place, on this blog, on the Curious blog, and GoodReads. If you've read it, join the discussion through twitter, youtube, or the GoodReads group page. If you haven't, give it a watch anyways (if you don't mind the spoilers) and then give the novel a read. I highly recommend it, personally, and I think from talking to the others that they do too.
After this session, it's back to one of my picks - don't worry, this time it's a good one! Lexicon was a FirstReads win for me, I went in without very high expectations and really enjoyed the fast-paced action and clever development. Sex, foul language, and a secret school where it isn't magic, it's the pure power of linguistic knowledge - a great combination for English majors like us Curious girls! So it is my first non-blind pick, but I will go back to blind picks for the most part afterwards - I just really needed someone else to read this book because I had so much I wanted to talk about after reading it; hopefully I feel as strongly about it on my second read; or maybe the suspense will be lost; who knows?
...that was a frightening amount of semi-colons all in a row...