Now, for argument's sake, I'm going to set aside the fact that my own baby remained hospitalized for 3 months and experienced his own newborn world of Hell and pain. Just looking at those developmental milestones that all children go through is enough.
The Early Years:
Think about it!
You begin sense of awareness someplace that's warm, comfy, and usually pretty predictable. Then you are violently vacated, no longer comfy, brought out into the cold, forced into the open air trying to get your never-before-used airways clear of fluid that wasn't choking you before this very moment. Things are loud. Things are bright. You have no idea what's going on, no one can explain it to you, and you have zero control over anything including your own body. Have an itch? Too freaking bad! You can't even coordinate these limbs that you're pretty sure follow you around, and may even be attached to you, but damn if they do what you'd actually like them to - most of the time they just jerk about, sometimes enough to bat something away or be within mouth chomping range, but really it's pretty hit and miss.
I Think I Know I'm A Person:
I know I'm a person now. I know I should be able to get to where I want to go like I see literally EVERYONE ELSE doing. My legs want to move. My arms are falling into place to catch myself. I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!
Whether it was crawling, walking, or trying to get the goddamn spoon in my mouth like I know it's SUPPOSE TO, it just doesn't work out - EVER! It's frustrating, embarassing, and 95% it's pretty damn scary, not to mention that my beautiful headshape is now starting to feel like a wrecking ball made of playdough.
Honestly, if an adult failed THAT much at what clearly seems to be a universal ability, human interaction outside of one's household would cease entirely.
What's more facinating about this is how they try to find something positive between the ebbs and flows of teething. Like, "for this one minute, I don't want to rip my jaw out, so I'm going to play peek-a-boo like a champ!"
And eating? I didn't think it was possible for someone with no teeth to eat pretty much all of the same foods that I do.
I'm starting to question the evolutional purpose of teeth in our modern age. For how much I spend on making sure that my teeth aren't rotting out of my head, and then, even despite all of the intensive daily care given to my teeth, they still stir up a violent mutiny that costs even more to appease. And really, you have to attend to your teeth, because not only is it bloody painful to have unhappy teeth, but the sneaky little buggers can actually kill you faster with an infection you don't know you have than one of those major flu-ish outbreaks that you trample over people to get vaccinated from.
Seriously Kid, if I could suppress your teething and save you from a life of unecessary pain, I totally would.