I still need to type out the fragments of creative genius I displayed a few sentences at a time with my comrades (yes, I have comrades, and none of which closely resemble farm animals either, so take that Orwell!), though I believe that I am responsible for the logical plot sequencing epic fail on the last story we wrote... that or my creative genius works in highly abstract ways. I'll go with the abstract: "Then she fell into the basement," "Wasn't she already in the basement?" "She fell into the basement of the basement!"
I haven't reviewed Freakhouse since I had the novel-talk way back when, but I am still determined to participate in this April's Camp NaNoWriMo. I think that the website gets relaunched next week so I will be distractedly playing on that soon, I should think. So far the working title for Freakhouse's sequel is Parish. I so far have no vision for a third book and something about that seems weird to me, like if I'm going to bother making a sequel at all that it should actually come in threes. Are there series that consist of only two books? Does that still count as a series? Or is it "that book, with that other book kinda attached to it"? Ah! Punctuation outside of the quotation marks!!!!
If you haven't been following my Good Reads updates, I've recently finished Truss's Eats, Shoots and Leaves, and I included in my review of the book that as much as I can agree with the proper uses of punctuation, the open British willingness to punctuate outside of quotation marks sends chills down my spine - and not in the alluring way - and even in cases when it makes perfect grammatical sense to put any form of punctuation outside of a closed quotation mark I grudgingly comply and feel a piece of my heart break as I look upon the disjointed structure I have purposely created.
Can you tell that I haven't written in a while? My tangents are ready to run rampant! This should make for an interesting NaNo experience - as if there are non-interesting ones.
Updates are most likely to be found on Twitter and Good Reads right now. Lord knows how frequently (or infrequently) I'll be updating anything during this Camp challenge. Will do my best (since there is no try!).