I have also replicated the source material a little bit more closely by recreated the Morva Cauldrons, the seemingly infinite number of black cauldrons that make it near impossible to find the one actual magic Black Cauldron. Unlike the film, where only Taran and his friends learn about the location of the Cauldron through the Fair Folk, I have given the Horned King a fair shot at finding the Cauldron should he choose to engage in the near-impossible task of sorting through a deck of black cauldrons. In this way, the Horned King could dedicate his actions to digging for the Cauldron BEFORE the Chapter 4 deck has even been Activated, which could give him the advantage over Taran who needs the Chapter 4 deck to find and equip the Sacrifice card - after all, true to the source material, even if Taran has the Cauldron, he can't do anything with it until the Sacrifice is made.
Fingers crossed that I have a winner here. Not for the Game Crafter contest, obviously. Not only am I abandoning any thought of making it Meta-Progressive, but this design is 100% based on copyrighted materials that I have ZERO license for (yet!).
If it works, my next steps are figuring out that solo player possibility (no idea if it even is possible anymore, but only one way to find out!), and then exploring re-masking options if the Black Cauldron element is unobtainable.