I was immediately impressed by the passion and dedication to the theme of their game, wanting showcase authentic representations. Every component in this display was made by them, from the 3D printed log cabin box to the hand-made pewter molds for their (hefty!) playing pieces. Every inch - nay, millimeter, of this game has been poured over with love and it shows!
Again, I haven't done a full playtest of this game, and therefore I cannot speak to the completeness of the mechanics and game play, but it is one of those games that's just so damn beautiful, and the conversations that could (and should!) emerge from unpacking each component would be so worthwhile!
I wish nothing but the best to this group of designers who clearly had a vision and compromised none of it. My game designer heart is in awe of their ambition and dedication, and my teacher heart overflows with imagining how many lives this could touch, not just to bring friends and families together around a game table, but to heal some ties and fill-in some blanks, and above all, inspire so many to see the Past, Present, and Future that is written in their own voice.
Having taught some students who have been disconnected from their culture, or were reluctant to share it, I can't wait to see this generation use something like this to springboard a whole life's worth of ambition; because this game is so much more than how it plays, how it looks, or even the bits of facts embedded into it; this game is a triumph, it is what pride and passion can build, and THAT means EVERYTHING!