For those of you wondering about what will happen to Dotan, Jos and Blue after January: They are going to be alright. I've done a sweep through already, and I promise you, the story has not changed. Our tragically lovable characters will capture your hearts in the 2nd edition just as they did in the 1st.
As I mentioned in a previous post, my removing the 1st edition is not due to a lack of love. Freakhouse has a certain magic about it, it has drawn in unsuspecting readers and forced them through the emotional roller-coaster that is Dotan's life. I've had readers tell me how much they love this story, and I've also had readers tell me how much they hate me because of knife that I've plunged into their hearts. I take both as compliments.
Freakhouse was a sort of creative experiment within itself. It was a challenge to see if I could put a story idea into a new lens. I went against my genre, my typical narrative voice, and my storytelling script.
I don't know what the 2nd edition will look like yet, but I know that I won't be happy until Freakhouse radiates all of the pride that I feel for Dotan's story, even before the first page is turned.
Maybe I should have been this ambitious from the beginning, but to be honest, I was so certain that it wasn't going to be well received at all. Knowing now what it can do, I'm ready to see it take on the world.
The sequel is in the hands of Betas, so hopefully when I am ready to announce what's become of my new-and-improved Freakhouse, I'll have a word or two to share about Parish. Be warned, though, that word or two might include "re-write" so no promises on that front yet.
Things might grow quiet around here while work is in progress, but I am determined to make 2015 my unstoppable year. Freakhouse is only the beginning!