To recap, I was hoping that the Galen giveaway would beat the overall numbers from my previous giveaway. It was close to a tie, but did not surpass. I was looking for a number greater than 967 and we ended up with 951. Not bad, but I'm figuring out this number game a little better this time around. By breaking down the giveaways into regions, each one spanning over two weeks, I think it's helped for exposure and for those who consider the odds before entering. Clearly one chance out of a hundred is better than one chance out of one thousand.
So, the numbers so far...
These are the two giveaways that have actually ended, so these two are the final numbers:
"Rest of World": 617
Australia/New Zealand: 158
Which means that our completed total so far is 775. Not bad considering that we still have three major regions to go. And, let's face it, the USA pretty much out-numbers all other regional Goodreads members.
There are still two full days left for the UK and Ireland to enter, and as of 10:45pm tonight, there are over 200 entries. Which means that the moment that giveaway closes, I've already beat my giveaway entry high score, and that's not even taking into account the week that Canada and the US still have for their own giveaways! And, yes, with less than a week into the giveaway game, my US numbers already beat the UK... See? This is why I had to split it up. Someone else needed a chance!
Still sad that I went to the trouble of digging New Zealand out from the "Other" category - and that's not me ranking it higher than Australia, Goodreads literally has four top countries listed at the top when you make a giveaway! - and still they could not rise above the masses of Australian entries. Next time, New Zealand! Next time!
So if you are from the UK, Ireland, Canada, or the USA, get in now for your chance at a free book. Why not? Those are like the two best things ever, "books" and "free", though if we go by Muppet rankings we'd also have to account for Ice Cream, Children, and Laughter...
...did you really think that I could go a whole post without a tangent? Really?