Regardless of what this Camp NaNoWriMo work comes out as, I am as determined as ever to release Freakhouse. As promised, this IS happening. Furthermore, Freakhouse will be undergoing some up-coming free giveaways so if you want a free copy - because let's face it, it's the only way that more than the two of you who already have read it for free will actually read it themselves. When will this happen? As soon as I figure out how. My hope is to get it sorted out tomorrow, ready for giveaway entries before this weekend, and have the draw for the end of June. Speculation until I see how it actually all works out. In the meantime, keep an eye out on the website because the novel will be available for purchasing both on, .uk, as well as kindle ebook editions.
And since I haven't officially released it yet, how about some input? How much would you like to see Freakhouse sell for on Amazon? US dollars or British Pounds? Paperback or e-book? I can't do anything about the shipping costs and as of yet, sorry Canadians, paperback editions will still be sold out of the US. Send me your suggestions and I'll see what I can do. (FYI, free paperback is, unfortunately, not an option. Enter the giveaway for that!)