I'm certainly not done writing for today. I'm going to try for those reverse NaNo numbers again, though that's what I said I was going to do last year and we all know how well that worked out - or if you don't, I'll just tell you that I dropped out of the race at 15,000 words.
I did get the advantage this year of starting NaNo on a weekend. There's pro's and con's to this. The pro is that I know that I can stay up for the midnight kick-off and write until I drop. The kind of con is that having Halloween on a weekend means that I have no excuse not to celebrate it! We hosted our own little Halloween party. I am NOT complaining about this. Both Matt and I love hosting and have been looking forward to this for a long while. Loved everyone who came over, loved the cheesy movies and the board games - yes, we have nerd parties, get over it, in costume, too! - but that meant that I was still technically hosting come midnight. I openly announced that I would disappear around 11:30 to prepare, but then I looked at the time and it was 11:56pm. So much for getting my head in the game. I still went into the corner with my computer and started typing, but once that last movie ended, just before 1:00am, I still put my work down to say my goodbyes to those who were heading out. The last of them stayed until just a little after 2:00am, and in that time I had made it to 1,085 words. For having my attention divided and really not being as writing ready as I had hoped to be, I think I did pretty well.
Slept-in this morning, of course, and I will have to spend some time today with normal life things like cleaning up from the party - which isn't too bad because we have awesome friends who don't act like animals and offer to help - and day job duties like marking and planning. My day job is not great for maintaining hobbies, just saying. It's mostly what killed my writing last year, even if I made up for it in the summer.
Highlights: character descriptions. I'm still getting the feel for the narrative voice I want to use in this. I've flipped back and forth in my head while I was planning so I'm just seeing what happens now. And a 12-2am writing start doesn't always get me on the same foot that I'll keep writing on, anyways, so I've got time to play around with it. Heck, if I have to write the same scene 3 times, who cares, one of them, or parts of all of them will come together when it's time for re-writes and revisions.
RIGHT! Characters! One of the reasons I wanted to try this Alice in Wonderland project was to really have fun playing around with crossover characters. I'm just now introducing the nightclub and talking about two very personality-filled characters who are lurking outside, summoning their patrons to the door.
I think that I have plot in this story, but at this rate, I think I'd have fun just writing through a series of character introductions... which is oddly enough one of my complaints about CATS so either I'm being hugely hypocritical or I'm starting to understand where Andrew Lloyd-Webber is coming from...
Don't worry, if I get to 50,000 words with all character and no plot, it just means that I'll have another big summer project ahead of me.
Well, time to re-fill the hot chocolate cup and get back to it! Maybe I can double my word count before lunch... and by lunch I mean a late lunch because I've only been awake for a couple hours...
Happy Writing, Everyone!