I hardly wrote anything on day one. Just a couple hundred words. Which made my 2000 words on day 2 still look measley. Finally caught up on day 3, and narrowly got in the daily goal on day 4.
It makes me feel wimpy since I nearly wrote 50,000 words in three days just a few months ago. But there was a major difference about those 3 days compared to these 30... I had reached an agreement with my husband that he was responsible for all aspects of adulthood while I sat in front of my computer for 3 days. I can't quite make the same arrangement over 30 days. He actually has out of the house obligations, so that puts baby duty pretty much 95% on me. Yes, he still must handle at least 5% even on his busiest days because them's the rules!
Anyways, my NaNo story! It was a great Halloween theme, which is seeming less fitting now that Halloween is over. A tongue-in-cheek parody on fairytales, focused on witch hunting, staring a man who has spent the last 200 years enslaved as a witch's familiar; during which time he happened to fall in love with the familiar of a rival witch. Now that his witch has been slayed by the need-no-prince Princess, he is finally free(-ish) to find his lady love... if he can free her first. And if he can survive he wrath of the Princess who partially blames him for the attempted murder of her and her family as well as the corruption of her father's kingdom, even if he was a familiar bound by magic.
Lots of silly characters, anachronisms, and a quest for true love!
Anyways, to help with the inspiration, an artist named Kai Austin was asking people for some unusual characters to draw, just to help her scratch her artistic itch, so I offered her my star-crossed lovers. And here they are:
It's been a bit rockier of a start because I feel that I need so many POV's to do justice to these quirky characters, and I find myself inserting flashbacks that I wasn't planning on, but I think that it's coming together. My struggle I suppose is that I may be trying to cram too much in. But that'll be a discussion for post-first draft.
In the meantime, I will keep at it.
Best of luck to all of you WriMo's, Rebels, Readers and Dreamers out there!
Here's hoping that we'll all have a great story to share in the new year!