So what's to come in 2013? Well, my wedding, my graduation (again), hopefully a lifelong career will follow, Freakhouse, and if all goes as planned then Camp NaNoWriMo in April for the sequel so far titled Parish, an online monthly bookclub, and one more long-awaited project. If I have a New Year's Resolution, I think this might be the big one. Knightsbridge. I've been so caught up in Freakhouse that my struggle with the Illian kingdom has been quite out of my mind, until a week ago. I don't know what really triggered it, but the scene between Olanthea and Cornelius came vividly to mind and I was right back there, and feeling sorely guilty about it too.
I wrote my first complete full-length novel in 2003, Legendary, and it was soon after that that Knightsbridge came to be - though of course it was much different then. I was still new at this and had a very black and white view of narrative. Collette was essentially an evil witch and the Knights were the power of good, and wonderous magical things were going to happen... well it never amounted to anything, I think that I hand-wrote a chapter or two, and then I moved on to other things, no really, I physically moved away. But Knightsbridge never really went away, it just got bigger and more complex. In fact, it got so big and so complex that I had become too afraid to even try to write it. Then I found myself ready. With Galen out of the way and a new adventure in England to liveout, I felt ready to take it on... and on, and on, and on... then I got tired of taking it on. I also realized that I really don't like NaNo cheating. Freakhouse was a wonderful much needed break from Knightsbridge, and knowing that I have Parish still to write I think that I can pick Knighstbridge back up. But I have a dilemma... I don't actually know where I left off, and I don't know if I can trust myself to be disciplined enough to just read the one page and move forward or if I am going to convince myself that I have to reread and edit from the beginning... Knightsbridge currently exisits in three parts already... this could get messy. Luckily I know the story and know where it's going. I think that I just got burned out trying to reach each milestone that the transitions and connectors became forced.
I was reading a blog that had a list of Resolutions for writers. I didn't read the whole thing, but the one that I knew I had to do was "Finish what you start." It's 2013 now. Sometime near the end of 2003 Knightsbridge was born. It's been almost 10 years since I began this adventure, and it seems rather fitting that the story takes place almost 10 years since the death of the last king. Both Knightsbridge and I have no choice but to race against the clock. Can we save the kingdom before that 10 year anniversary? It's almost too perfect, you'd think that I have planned it out this way. But I actually had no intention of bringing Knightsbridge up again this year. I didn't think that I had it in me, especially with everything else going on this year. But I think that I have to now. 6 days in, and I haven't even opened up a Knightsbridge document yet. The clock is ticking. But this is my last lazy day... who knows what will actually get done...