So, the numbers so far...
These are the giveaways that have actually ended:
"Rest of World": 617
Australia/New Zealand: 158
UK/Ireland: 353
And this time I can say "yay, Ireland!". Despite the majority of entries being from the UK, one book is flying overhead to Ireland as we speak. County of Mayo to be specific. Land of my husband's people, so that was a neat surprise.
No books flying to my family's regions. Not even my old haunt in Sussex :(
This is why the giveaways are random. Clearly I'd have favourites!
So on we go for the last leg of this promotion. The US's numbers are steadily rising. I imagine that we'll break 300 from them before Friday. And the my humble home country is working its way up to 150. We'll see what happens on Friday when Freakhouse gets closer to the front page!
Thank you everyone for your continued support. And remember, if you're still looking for a free book, pop over to your local library and make a request for order. Galen is already available in print and e-book, and Freakhouse is on pre-order until its release on August 26th
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