The truth is that this isn't as easy a question to answer. For starters, which fiction format are we talking about here? In the big wide world of fiction, that's a lot of couples to put into a hierarchy. I find it easier to break it down into categories.
And Rick? He has a permanent seat in my Fictional Five. Why? Because I'm a sucker for a guy who can meet someone on their level. As rough and gruff as he is in his character intro, he's perfectly comfortable indulging his true love in even her silliest of impulses. Even in the Film-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named when everything I love about Evie is totally destroyed. Still love Rick, but I cannot acknowledge that monstrosity of a movie when they mangle a character so dear to my heart.
V:"We should make plans."
Q:"Evil plans?"
V:"Uh, no. Casual plans."
And of course, the tearful scene at the end... oh, heck, I might as well just add the video!
You will have to move it up to 3:29, but it's worth it!
Q: "Is alright...good?"
V: "Quirrell! Alright is wonderful!"
The best that I can come up with is a couple from classic literature. Hector and Andromache. And if you don't know who they are or what work they're from, well, it might be difficult to understand why I would choose them. I think that they are both dignified, both loyal to fulfilling their duties, and yet, they share an intimacy that isn't often seen between man and wife in a Greek classic. Even Odysseus and Penelope don't hold for me the same bond, and maybe that has something to do with a certain lustful nymph, and hey, who am I really to know what Hector would have done shipwrecked for 10 years with a horny goddess.
Are they my favourite characters, no, not really, though I love and respect them. But they suit each other, they feel right for each other. And I suppose that's Homer's point. Portraying the enemy as someone who has no fault other than belonging to the wrong family, the wrong people, in the wrong side of a needless war. There's something poetic in that, regardless of it manifesting inside of a poem, and maybe that's why my answer is swaying that way, because there is no reason to dislike either of them, no reason but to feel heartbreak for their brutal end.
Still, I do not feel satisfied that I don't have a contemporary answer. Perhaps that will be one of my missions while I read, to find that couple that I love as much as the ones I mentioned above.
And out of curiosity, how would you answer the question? Do you have a favourite fictional couple?