... so we're standing in this line-up, talking about what the best costume would be, and definitely doing some world crossing as we go. Due to my unnatural love for the Ood, it only made sense that the best Doctor Who would actually be Doctor Ood, and thus a parody tale of random happenstance adventure was born. My husband (@TheMattCave) did some illustrations, and I began putting together a script.
Still a work in progress, but we are determined to bring our beloved Doctor to life. While I wait for more illustrations, I decided to plunge forward into the next step: being Doctor Ood. For the last year I've been collecting pieces, gradually building up the necessary elements to bring this glorious creature to life. Then the Comic Expo announced that noneother than Matt Smith himself would be coming to this year's expo - Doctor Ood creating went into overdrive these past couple of weeks. Some rough work done, some less than perfect painting, but as of yesterday, Doctor Ood will be ready for unveiling at today's expo - and if I survive, maybe even the rest of the weekend... no promises though, I get limited airflow through this thing.
So despite not yet having the webcomic up on display, which was the main reason I originally wasn't in too much of a hurry to get the costume together, the sneak peak of a new delightful character begins today.