I Have A Dog
I do have a dog. Lovingly adopted through a rescue shelter, I am pleased to remember the 5th of November, the day that he first came home!
This page is dedicated to him because I don't take enough pictures of my fur-baby!
This page is dedicated to him because I don't take enough pictures of my fur-baby!
Meet Minion
The digital gallery display of the canine of many names: Minion the Mischievous, King of the Bones, Lord of the Zombies, Prince of the Naps
August 2015
Toys are better outside. Especially the "indoor only" ones!
January 2nd, 2015
The saddest dog in the world.
There are no words
September 8th, 2014
July 23rd, 2014
Trip to the vet
July 14th, 2014
July, 2014
Park on a hot day
May 25th, 2014
May 24th, 2014
Turning two!
Spring 2014
Just being myself
Spring, 2014
Following the strange noise of something falling...