Curious Endeavourances - Get Curious!
So if you hadn't heard by now, I am part of a book club that meets monthly to discuss all of our curious findings. I did/do have a small blurb of it on my Books link, but since we began posting our online hangouts live, I figured why not post them all in one place here? What possible other purpose could this website serve if not to publicly ridicule me?
All of the information about our book club, as well as access to membership and even staring in one of these videos yourself, can be found on our GoodReads page here. If you are super psyched about hearing other people's opinions about books, read about them on the Curious Endeavouraces blog here. And if you just really can't get enough of me and what I think about books, you can read all of my reviews of everything I read here. Or you can skip the readings and just watch the videos below!
Here's hoping I keep this updated!
August 19, 2013
All of the information about our book club, as well as access to membership and even staring in one of these videos yourself, can be found on our GoodReads page here. If you are super psyched about hearing other people's opinions about books, read about them on the Curious Endeavouraces blog here. And if you just really can't get enough of me and what I think about books, you can read all of my reviews of everything I read here. Or you can skip the readings and just watch the videos below!
Here's hoping I keep this updated!
August 19, 2013
December 2013 -
Curious Awards Won:
Literary Award: "Most Obscure Use of Really Advanced Technology" Literary Award: "Ultimate Culture Clash" |
November 2013 -
Curious Endeavourances' Readers'Choice
Due to the overwhelming love felt for this novel, Curious Endeavourances has created a separate level of honour for the truly amazing Storytellers we encounter. This is called: The Knights of the Curious Table. Only those authors who have proven themselves true Masters of Storytelling shall be granted this honour. Max Barry has earned a place at this table. Cer Max Barry, Master Storyteller, Knight of the Curious Table |
October 2013 -
Curious Endeavourances' Readers'Choice
Due to the overwhelming love felt for this novel, Curious Endeavourances has created a separate level of honour for the truly amazing Storytellers we encounter. This is to be called: The Knights of the Curious Table. Only those authors who have proven themselves true Masters of Storytelling shall be granted this honour. Neil Gaiman has earned a place at this table. Cer Neil Gaiman, Master Storyteller, Knight of the Curious Table |
September 2013 -
August 2013 -
July 2013, part 2 -
July 2013, part 1 -
June 2013 -
May 2013 -